
Showing posts from June 26, 2017

Question 14

Write a short note on :- a) Amartya Sen on Development. b) Satyagraha as a model of civil disobedience. Guys word limits upto 150 or max. 180 words each.

Question 13

In India separation of power is more hypothetical than real. Comment. Friends keep the word limit to (150 Words) only.

Question 12

There is often a perception that the Indian government gives greater importance to the more affluent sections of diaspora, consisting of businessmen and those with white collar jobs. In the light of the above statement highlight the weaknesses of India's Diaspora policy. What needs to be done to rectify them?

Question 11

a) Ambedkar's opposition to caste system in India is deeply rooted in his revulsion towards     the Brahmanical order. Comment. b) Also discuss the "Varna vs Caste" debate between     Gandhiji and Ambedkar briefly.

Question 10

What do you understand by the term "Political Theory"? What are its major aspects? Illustrate the basic attributes of "Contemporary Political Theory"?

Question 9

As a rising china challenges the primacy of US in Asia, navigating between beijing and Washington is a major challenge for India. How should India respond to the rising challenge? Or Amidst all the ambiguity at the international stage with multipolar world and unpredictable nature of Trump clear by his inclination towards chinese lately. How should India respond to the changing scenario? Critically Examine.

Question 8

Do u agree that strong states make a strong nation? Illustrate the statement with respect to the working of niti aayog in implementing it.

question 7

"Right to religion is weakest of all the fundamental rights as it is subject to public order morality, health and all other fundamental rights." Do u agree ? Elucidate with examples.