Rohingya crisis is a test for India’s ability to balance self-interest and neighbour’s expectation. Discuss


  1. As india is not only a major power in the region but also the largest democracy in the world, world expect india to step forward help them on humanitarian ground .india has been known to be benevolent to refugees. In 1980and 90’s we have welcomed rufugees from myanmmar and we have other examples too i.e tibetan,tamil ,bangladesh refugees residing in different parts of our country

    Peace and rakhine state is important for india economic investments .it is affecting our kaladan multi modal transit transport project,reconciliation between rohingya muslims and the rakhine buddhist is necessary for prace to prevail.therefore our economic intest is served

    Mayamars unwanted children cannot become india’s moral burden no matter how tragic their fate there is a limit to our overpopulated county can accommodate without triggering socio-economic tensions .presently large number of immigrants from bangladesh flooding into india

    India should play a quite role to urge and nurture a long term solution to the problem ,this problem is not unidimensional :terror and development deficit india has a very high stack we can nurture good relations with the military government while maintaining a cordial relationship with the pro democracy movement. Its in our interest we should be pragmatic apolitical and our act east policy demands it

  2. We also have to take into consideration that it impacts negatively on bangladesh which is our close frd ,neighbor and valued partner in south asia .we also have good relations with myanmar which stands further strenthened with the recent visit of PM .india is in the process of rejuvenating BIMSTEC of which both countries are members so india may have to play a quite role to urge and nurture a long term solution to the problem a peaceful south asia is most important for india


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