Explain Plato’s communism and compare it with modern communism ?


  1. Plato proposed communism for only 2 classes,rulers and auxiliaries called as guardians by Plato.
    Plato's communism takes 2 forms
    1.communism of property: the rulling class and auxiliary class are exempted from possession of pvt property thus keeping corruption at bay.Also that the ruling class posses true knowledge and have no lust for property.

    2.communism of family and marriage: Aristotle considers family bigger a problem than property as it is for a family that a person tends to get corrupt.thus ruling class is exempted from having a family to curb the menace of nepotism.
    Plato's communism and Marx's communism or modern communism are both critical of pvt.property.however there are fundamental differences.
    Marx is materialistic whereas Plato is idealistic.In Plato communism,there are 3 class's based on quality of soul whereas marx's communism revolves around 2 classes created by private ownership of property,the capitalists and the working class.
    Modern Communism proposes a classless and a stateless society whereas Plato's state is a class divided society.
    For Plato,education is the mean to achieve social change.for Marx ,violent revolution is the only method.

    There are superficial similarities between Plato's communism and Marx's communism as both talk about private property as evil.


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