
Explain the concept of totalitarianism in terms of views of popper and hannah Arendt. Also throw some light on hannah arendt views on ending totalitarianism ?


  1. Totalitarianism is a form of authoritarian government in which the state exercises control over public and private sphere of its citizens. Italy under Mussolini , Germany under Hitler are some examples of totalitarian governments. Various scholars have tried to explain the concept.

    Karl Popper , a liberal scholar in his book " Enemies of Open Society" considers Plato , Marx and Hegel as enemies of open society due to their theories. According to Popper an open society allows its citizens freedom of speech and expression. Plato's state in "The Republic" exercises control over all aspects of its citizens life. Citizens have only duties and no rights. Similarly Hegel who was the state philosopher of Prussia was criticized for postulating that state was march of God on Earth.

    Hannah Arendt was a scholar of heterodox tradition.She considered totalitarianism as rule marked by ignorance and violence.She considers factors like growth of nation states , role of Romantic scholars like Rousseau , modern age which began with explosion of atom bomb w and man's withdrawal from public sphere responsible for rise of totalitarianism.

    Arendt has a unique concept of power. According to Arendt power is empowering and is sui generis. Power is people acting in concert and participating in civic affairs. Arendt is influenced by Aristotle who also advocated participation in civic affairs. Participating in civic affairs is what makes man stand apart from animals. Power is lost when people stop participating in civic affairs. When man stops participating in civic affairs it encourages the rise of powerful person which eventually leads to totalitarianism. Thus according to Arendt to check rise and stop totalitarianism , man must participate in civic affairs since he is zoon politikon.


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