Question 20

Answer the following,
1) Flaws of 'end of ideology thesis'.
2) Personal is political.


  1. 1) Flaws of " end of ideology thesis"

    After the end of the Second World War, two competing ideologies communism and capitalism led to the Cold War. Western scholars like Daniel Bell stated that ideology is no longer relevant. This was known as the "End of Ideology" thesis.

    Economics is important and politics has taken a backseat. Development is priority. Welfare state has resolved the contradictions between labour and capital. States have similar types of administration models. Ideologies have lost their relevance.

    End of ideology thesis was criticized by Marxists , communitarians and other scholars as an attempt to portray supremacy of Western values. C Wright Mills said that it was wrong to believe that contradictions between labour and capital were resolved. MacIntyre believed that Western democracies are not egalitarian.

    End of ideology can be said to be an ideology in itself. It lost its relevance during the 70s and 80s but was reinvented in the form of End of History thesis by scholars like Francis Fukuyama

  2. Personal is political.. how Aristotle justify plz any one explain


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